
目前顯示的是 9月, 2023的文章

i2 Grade 5 week 5

  Dear Grade 5 i2 parents Week 5 and this whole week will be dedicated to reviewing all the vocabulary, and stories of Unit 4 week 1 and 2, along with all the grammar, and phonics that goes with it. This will be a nice short week due to no classes and work on Friday for the Mid-Autumn festival Wednesday will be our listening exam followed by an oral exam on Thursday. I'm sure everyone will be well prepared and will do a great job. Please check that your children have done their homework. Monday Monday   □ 1. RWN P.303 □ 2.   Parents Sign Test! □ 3.    □ 4. __________________________________________________ Tuesday Tuesday □ 1.    RWN – P.304-305 □ 2.    Reading Street – Review units 4 weeks 1 and 2 □ 3.    □ 4.   LISTENING TEST - Tomorrow Wednesday Wednesday □ 1. LISTENING TEST □ 2.    □ 3.   □ 4. _____________________________________
 Dear moms and dads. Thank you to all who came to attend the parent-teacher day on Saturday, it was very nice to finally meet you. I hope it was fulfilling and you got any answers that you might have had.  The vocabulary test on Friday was horrible., The students didn't even try at all, only three students got over 50%. Please make sure that they are at least doing their homework at home and practicing their English reading and speaking at any chance that they get.  Week 5 will be the first Speaking, listening, and writing exam . I have attached a copy of the test scope, including all information about what will be in the Exams. 5th Grade 1st Exam Test Scope – Fall, 2023 Dear Parents, The First Monthly Exams are upon us once again. Below is the exam schedule and test scope. Please remind your child to go over vocabulary and reading stories listed in the test scope. l    Listening Exam :  Wednesday, 09/27   l    Oral Exam :  Wednesday, 09/27 and Thursday, 09/2

Week 3 i2

   Dear i2 Parents,   Week 3   Here is the lesson plan, and the week's homework. These are subject to change if needed but I would like to get through this by Friday.   Last week's unit test went okay but not as well as good as I was hoping. Some students left out whole sections or just didn't follow the instructions properly. I hope we can improve this next time.   Best Regards Tr. Justin.       Monday Monday   □ 1.   Vocabulary 1~5, write 5X and definition 1X □ 2.  Sign Test and return it to the teacher □ 3.   Reading Street – P60 □ 4. __________________________________________________ Tuesday Tuesday □ 1.   RWN – P.260 □ 2.    Vocabulary 6~10, write 5X and definition 1X □ 3.   Reading Street Page 61 □ 4. __________________________________________________ Wednesday Wednesday □ 1.  Reading Street Page 62 □ 2.   Vocabulary 11~15, writ