
目前顯示的是 10月, 2023的文章

Week 10

 Dear moms and dads We are now on week 10, about halfway through the semester already. This Saturday will be the school SPORTS DAY, so be ready for clapping, cheering, and some running. I have posted online homework on the Savvas Realizev website. Please let the students complete this at their own leisure, there is no rush in completing it. The due date will be the end of week 13. If any questions about this, please let me know via LINE or Email.  justin@hmps.tp.edu.tw Monday Monday   □ 1.  RWN: Page 319                                                                         . □ 2.   Vocabulary 1-5. Write 5x, definition write 1x, □ 3.   Reading street, read P. 180                                               . □ 4.   Sign tests! And do corrections _________________________ Tuesday Tuesday □ 1.    RWN – P.322                                                                 . □ 2.    Vocabulary 6-10. Writ

Week 9

 Dear Parents, Everyone is doing just fine in class, and they all seem happy. The vocabulary test last week Friday went well. Everyone seemed to do a little better compared to the previous test, although the test was long and a little difficult. I will make a much shorter and easier Unit test for this Friday the 27th.  A reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday we will go on a school outing. While we are away, the school will be conducting a review of G5 communication books. Therefore, your children must still bring their communication books to school tomorrow and place them in their level homework baskets. I will remind your children of this today. Weekly schedule and lesson plan.  Monday Monday   □ 1 .                                                                                             . □ 2.   Vocabulary 1-5. Write 5x, definition write 1x, □ 3.   Reading street, read P. 148-150_____________________ □ 4.  _________________________________________

Week 8

 Dear Grade 5 parents We will have a pleasant and exciting week ahead of us, with the start of a new unit, (Unit 4 week 5 in the book), and with that, we'll have a lot of new vocabulary, grammar and what I hope will be an exciting story to read.  The students who haven't done their homework, don't worry they'll have time to do it during their breaktimes. On Wednesday one of our grade 5 i1 Reading Street teachers will be going on a field trip with his grade 2 homeroom class, so we will have our Reading Street Class in our homerooms. due to the classes, all joined together for this day, there will be no Homework.   This weeks schedule and homework is as follows. Monday Monday   □ 1.  RWN P.294 □ 2.   Vocabulary 1-5. Write 5x, definition write 1x, □ 3.   Reading street, Reread P. 145_____________________ □ 4.  __________________________________________________ Tuesday Tuesday □

Week 7

 Dear Grade 5 i2 parents Many students still refuse to do their homework or say it's too difficult without even trying. The homework is usually the same every day, 1. Write vocabulary words and their definitions, ( just to try memorize the words and meanings for future tests) 2. RWN homework will be to complete the pages we have already started in class. If it still persists, I'll be forced to start punishing the students more every week.    This week is a very short week, so we won't be able to complete the necessary work before Friday, therefore there won't be a unit test this week. Wednesday Wednesday □ 1.   Vocabulary 1-8. Write 4x, definition write 1x □ 2.    RWN p.284 □ 3. Reading street- read pages 120-121  _________________  □ 4. __________________________________________________ Thursday Thursday □ 1.   RWN p.289 □ 2.   Vocabulary 9-20. Write 3x, definition write 1x □
  Exams are over! Dear parents and guardians  The EXAMS are over and now everyone can relax again. With another long weekend ahead of us  that I'm sure all the students deserve and I hope will enjoy. Now that all the exams have been completed it's back to normal class, and that means Homework. 1.)  Vocabulary - write no. 1-20 X4 and definition X1 and underline "key words" to help them remember 2.) Have fun and go outside.
 Dear i2 parents, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend eating and spending time with your family. I know the students just spent most of their time studying for all of their exams.  We have been reviewing all week and today we did some worksheets that I hope they take home to review. The previous test written by the students will also be beneficial for examining. The spelling of the vocabulary won't be as important as remembering their meaning, or the definition of the vocabulary. Please review singular and plural pronouns, contractions, and final syllable patterns for the English written exam on Wednesday. The students don't have any written homework this week, except for Friday, due to all of the exams this week. This weeks schedule  Monday Monday   □ 1. Review week 1-4 Vocabulary and grammar □ 2.    ____________________________________________ □ 3.   __________________________________________________ □ 4. _______________________