Week 19 -Test week

  Dear Grade 5i2 parents

Happy New Year to everyone. I wish you all the best of luck and good fortune for the new year.

As you know this week and next will be the third round of monthly tests. Starting on Wednesday the 3rd of January we'll be conducting the listening test, which is usually the easier one of the tests. We have been preparing as much as possible with our short available time, but I'm confident enough in the A2's abilities.

5th Grade 3rd Exam Test Scope – Fall, 2023

Dear Parents,

The Third Monthly Exams are upon us once again.

Below is the exam schedule and test scope.

Please remind your child to go over vocabulary and

reading stories listed in the test scope.

        Listening ExamWednesday, 1/03


        Oral ExamThursday, 1/04, and Friday, 1/05


        Written Exam: Tuesday, 1/09


        Vocabulary Focus: Week 15 – Week 18

(Communication Book)

        Reading Street Stories:

        Moon Walk (P. 294 – 305)

        Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path (P. 356 – 371)


        Listening Skills:



        Vocabulary Focus: Week 15 – Week 18

(Communication Book)

        Story Comprehension:

        Moon Walk (P. 294 – 305)

        Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path (P. 356 – 371)


        Phonics Focus:

         Related Words


         Prefixes mis-, non-, re-, pre-

         Vocabulary words



□ 1.         No Class                                                                    .

□ 2.                                                                             .

□ 3.                                                                               .

□ 4.  _________________________

□ 1.  Review Week 15-18 voc and story                                 .

□ 2    Listening test tomorrow                                            .

□ 3.                                                                                     

□ 4.  _________________________

□ 1. Listening Test                                                               .

□ 2.                                                                            .

□ 3.   Review Oral Test Tomorrow                                                                       .

□ 4.  _________________________

□ 1. Oral Test                             .                                        

□ 2.                                                                             .

□ 3.                                                                             .

□ 4.

□ 1. Oral Test                                                      .

□ 2.                                                                             .

□ 3.   Review Week 15-18 voc and story                                      .

□ 4.  _________________________


For the oral test, I have prepared some questions and also comparing the pictures for the students to discuss with me

Part 1
Here is a picture the students are required to discuss any differences that they can see, in full sentences.

Part 2
Reading page 355 in the reading street book. and answering 3 or 4 questions as best as they can.

Part 3

Free speaking and answering some random questions with me.

1.            Animals:

        Name three animals that live on the farm/

             can fly/ocean.

2.         Food:

        Name three fruits/fast food/veg/

        What is your favorite food/restaurant/ countries food

3.         Objects:

        Name three things you can find in a classroom/ 7-11/kitchen/outside.

1.     Family:

    Who lives in your house with you?

    Describe your house?

1.     Describe a Friend:

    Can you describe your best friend?

    What do you like to do together?

2.     Daily Routine:

    What do you do in the morning/evening/weekend?

    What chores do you do at home?.

3.     Free Talk:

    Talk about your favorite hobby.

    If you could have any pet, what would it be and why?




Week 21 - Final week

Week 10