Week 21 - Final week

 Dear parents

The last week is finally here and it's almost time for winter vacation. This week we will be easing of of the work as some students have already taken leave from school. There is still another chapter to read and vocabularies to go over, but we will just touch on these and try have some fun in the class. 

The student will be asked to take home their Reading Street books and their RWN books as we wont be using those in the following semester, they will be getting new books, the Reading Street 5.1. I will be collecting their science books on Wednesday as we will still be busing those in the next senester.

Winter Vacation Homework


Grade 5 Winter Homework January 2024

 1) Next semester the school will be taking submissions for the Xinmin Horizons magazine. Students can prepare a short essay consisting of 100 - 200 words in length. The topics that may be chosen are as follows:

          1) What did you do during the        

                   Lunar New Year Break?

          2) My Best Friend(s)

          3) My Favorite Video Game(s)

          4) If I Had One Wish, It Would


 2) Some previous examples will be sent out through Line Chat groups.

 3) Please handwrite the final draft on a piece of lined paper.


2024 1 5 年級冬季作業

 1)下學期學校將接受《新民視野》雜誌的投稿。學生可以準備一篇長度為 100 - 200 字的短文。可選擇的主題如下:

1) 期間你做了什麼


2) 我最好的朋友

3) 我最喜歡的電子遊戲

4) 如果我有一個願望,它就會實現

 2)之前的一些例子會透過Line Chat群發出來。

 3) 請將最終稿手寫在一張橫格紙上。

Here are some examples of what is expected

And i wish you all a wonderful Lunar New Years holiday



Week 19 -Test week

Week 10