Week 12 - Review week

Dear Grade 5 i2 Parents. 

This is our review week for the second month's Tests. A reminder that tomorrow the 12th, is the listening exam. We will take the exam in the leveled classes rather than the homeroom this time. 

For the Oral Tests on Thursday and Friday, I'll have the students read a small section from their Reading Street book, page 148-189 and have a few questions to follow. Please have them practice a few times by reading out loud at home. They will also be expected to answer a few general questions about themselves and questions about the story, in full sentences. 

Best of luck and try to have fun with the tests

Regard Tr. Justin. 

5th Grade 2nd Exam Test Scope – Fall, 2023

Dear Parents,

The Second Monthly Exams are upon us once again.

Below is the exam schedule and test scope.

Please remind your child to go over vocabulary and

reading stories listed in the test scope.

l   Listening ExamWednesday, 11/15


l   Oral ExamThursday, 11/16, and Friday, 11/17


l   Written Exam: Tuesday, 11/21


l   Vocabulary Focus: Week 8 – Week 11

(Communication Book)

l   Reading Street Stories:

l   Encyclopedia Brown (P. 146 – 155)

l   Smokejumpers (P. 178 – 191)


l   Listening Skills: Contractions and negatives, Prefixes un-, dis-, and in-



l   Vocabulary Focus: Week 8 – Week 11

(Communication Book)

l   Story Comprehension:

l   Encyclopedia Brown (P. 146 – 155)

l   Smokejumpers (P. 178 – 191)




l   Phonics Focus:

l   Contractions

l   Multisyllabic words

l   Prefixes un-, dis-, and in-

l   Vocabulary words

Be Prepared  J  



Week 21 - Final week

Week 19 -Test week

Week 10